Friday, February 20, 2009

"Proud Parent of a World Vision Sponsor"

This afternoon I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying lunch. My boys were running around as they usually do before they prepare to take their afternoon naps. As I was thinking about the day and somewhat staring off into space my eyes were drawn to our fridge. My wife, Shannon, has done a very creative job of decorating our fridge. Being that she's a teacher she uses her creativity to cover the icebox with a monthly calendar, notes the boys receive from school and colorful letters that help remind our boys how to spell their names. I often think I might need my own letters for my name but she refuses.

As I was staring at our fridge observing the monthly calendar, my eye was drawn to something more important then anything else on the fridge. I was reminded that before Valentine's Day Nona & Papa (my parents) had sent the boys their very own $5 bill. Inside the card that held this large sum of cash was a little poem that eluded to what they could possibly spend their money on. They ran around with their bling for about 30 minutes when all of the sudden Shannon invited them to join her at the table. Shannon took the boys $5 bills and handed them each 5, $1's instead. My face was confused as to what she was doing but I soon learned of her awesomeness.....

Shannon explained to our boys the importance of sharing, of giving, of tithing to those in need. She showed the boys a picture of a little boy in Africa that our boys picked out to sponsor. His name is Michel and he is growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She continued to explain that Michel had very little and that you (our boys) have been very blessed. She finished by explaining that she would like to see each of the boys donate $1 out of their $5 to Michel. They were so excited to be able to help make a difference in Michel's life. The dollar bills serve as a reminder to our 2 & 3 year olds that it is better to give then receive. What difference can you make in somebody's life today? Thanks to Shannon teaching our boys, I've been challenged to rethink how I can help change a life.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are both such great parents and good examples for those kiddos. I can only imagine what awesome people they are going to grow to be.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That is so sweet and so cool! Ben, you and Shannon are top notch! What an amazing lesson to post for all of us!


2:48 PM  

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