Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sutton Portraits

Sutton was the subject for my morning practice with my new SB-800. I recently learned how to use my speedlight in remote mode.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Date Night...

Shan- Thanks for a great date night! I had tons of fun hitting golf balls with you and I was extremely impressed by your awesome golf swing. And, folks she is 5 months pregnant here!!! I'm a little nervous about going to play 9 holes against you. Good time and memories.... MWAH

Weed in a Drought

This morning I was driving home from my mens group (6am on Friday mornings) with my friends. The drive is only 2 minutes and am feeling very guilty right now because I probably should be walking. Good health + saving gas= healthy bank account! Ha! Anyways... I turned on our local Faith-based radio station KTIS (98.5) and the dj's were talking about the drought that our entire state (MN) is in at the present time. Some areas of MN are way behind on rainfall! The discussion was why the weeds were growing so well during these dry times instead of the flowers, gardens, grass...etc. As I was sitting at the stoplight waiting to turn into my neighborhood, I was struck with the analogy of these weeds growing in these desert-like conditions. Does this have similarities to our faith? When we fall away from prayer and spending time in the Word, do weeds creep into our hearts and minds? I think this hit me so hard this morning because I feel as if I'm still in this Jesus drought. I have not spent anytime investing in this precious relationship, that when watered and nurtured, produces everlasting fruit. Instead, I feel the weeds beginning to work their way into every crevice of my body. My heart feels cracked and curled up. This isn't a, "I question my faith thing," but more of a spiritual health feeling. The challenging part is that it's easy to recognize but hard to make the changes.
...Until next time!