Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wedding Day BLISSES & KISSES!!! / Minneapolis Wedding Photographer

It's been a little over a week now that Mr. & Mrs. MacLean said their "I DO's." Oh was it a LOVELY day! In true Minnesota fashion, the sun popped from behind the haze of winter to produce a spectacular spring day in April. Molly & Zach were SO ready to get married and are so right for each other. Both are beautiful people inside and out. To listen to what their friends had to say about each of their stunning personalities and character was truly a blessing to all. These two will redefine LOVE and bring the true meaning back to its roots. We had such a fun time taking pictures, chugging bottles of water to stay hydrated as we sweat to death, laughed way to much as we drove around town & enjoyed capturing the day together. Congratulations to you both...Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your special wedding day, to be a part of your family, to be a part of your friendships and to be a part of your LOVE. Enjoy your photos!!!

ps. A HUGE shout out to Lauren were a blast! Thanks for hanging with us all day...Molly, isn't there an old hymn that sings..."Oh what a friend we have in Lauren" or is it someone else???? ha ha!! LS, you ROCK my face off!!!

