Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shakopee Family Portrait Photographer

I love Sunday's for a number of reasons. Mostly, because it brings some down time to the week which allows me to spend uber amounts of time with my wife and boys. Also, other families are spending time together and invite me to capture that treasured time. (Deep breath and Aaahhhh!!). This morning I was invited into a Shakopee home to capture their newborn and her BIG Sister enjoying what they like to do...nap and play. Thanks for the invitation and for having such a beautiful family. See you guys soon!!

Ok...Seriously??? How cute is this? I was jumping up and down (inside of course) when we landed this shot!!!

Baby V resting peacefully and enjoying the touch of her mom...Luv!

Dream away sweet V, dream away....

Have a great fall! Hope to see you at the pool soon....Splish splash!!!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mill City Museum Wedding Photographer l Jasmin + Dan

It was a marvelous evening for a Mill City Museum wedding. The stars of the evening weren't in the sky rather were two best friends of 10+ years getting married on a Friday evening in September. Dan & Jasmin were joined by amazing friends and family as they celebrated their wedding day. Lori Schmidt joined me as we captured Dan & Jasmin's fairy tale wedding. After two days of torrential downpours the rains subsided making way for speaks of sun throughout the early evening. As always, I was so privileged to capture your wedding day. Peace to you both as you embark on your new journey together. Congratulations!

Can you say melti-licious...I love the expressions on their faces...

I just love the way the light was coming through the windows as Jas walked up the stairs :) :)

Dan & Jasmin working it for the camera before the ceremony in the Mill City Ruins...
This goes without saying BUT Dan was WOW'd when he turned to see Jas for the first time. He truly was speechless and I smiled from behind my camera as I watched his expressions!!! Luv'd this moment, I did indeed!!!

That's right....look at the detail in Jasmin's dress...
All the LOVELY ladies looking amazing for the bridesmaids session...

I think this shot of the groomsmen defines Broseph!!! :)

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Eden Prairie Family Photographer

There's just something "crazy whack" about the whole six degrees of separation through people we know. As I met the P family in Eden Prairie to spend some time with them on an overcast afternoon, it was just one of those crazy whack things (notice I did not use " " during the second use of crazy's now just a way of speech). As we got out of our cars to greet each other before the session, it was as if we already knew each other extremely well. The mutual friends we had in common was crazy. How had our paths not crossed any earlier is beyond me. What an awesome family!! Each of their kids had their own sweet personalities and when you put them all together it was like sweetness +++. I could hang out with you and your family anytime. I just love this thing called photography. It's amazing that a hobby leads you to meet so many amazing people. Thanks again for inviting me to spend some time with your crew.
See what I mean...the ++++ part of this family
NO words can describe how cute this little guy is....
I see J Crew model in the future
It just came natural for her
I couldn't resist taking a solo shot of her boots

Have a great weekend all! The sun is shining here this morning and it calls for a trip to the local farmers market. Have a great day!

