Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas.....

I don't know what it is like around your house tonight but there has been a flurry activity around the Dodds Pole. I'll be shocked if our boys actually get any sleep tonight. Just the pure thought of Santa stepping foot into our home late this evening or early morning depending on his flight status could in itself force all of us to sleep with one eye open tonight. We have on our special PJ's with little reindeers all over them and we set out a little "Welcome to the Dodds house" Christmas snack for the Mr. Claus. The boys even insisted that we leave some clementines for the reindeer as well......I'm telling you, the excitement is unreal!

A special Merry Christmas to all of you and your loved ones! May the Spirit not get lost amidst the wrapping paper and the empty boxes on Christmas Day. May we remember when/where the gift giving began! You are all so special to our family.....Merry Christmas!!


Monday, December 15, 2008

It's COLD outside....

I woke up this morning and it was way to cold for this time of December. Let's just say that the dog didn't get her FULL morning walk, BBBRRRrrrrrrrrr! I had an early morning meeting and thought I'd share with you 2 images that share how cold it is outside in MN today. Yes, that's "-" (aka: minus) sign in front of the 4 degrees on our car temp gauge. COLD!!! The other photo is of a Sun Dog in the sky. This ONLY happens when it's COLD outside. Have I told you how cold it is???? IT IS FREEZING!!! Sorry for the "caps" and exclamation points but it's REALLY COLD OUT!!! Stay warm!!


Saturday, December 06, 2008

Around Our House....

I thought I'd let you into our house this morning by posting life on a Saturday in December. Being that we've chosen (and I'm now second guessing our choice) to live in frigid Minneeesoooota, we are stuck inside today. We are not actually confined to the home but this morning the local weather station reported a wind chill of negative 4 degrees outside.


I'm poitive that we will venture outside as the sun has recently peeked through the clouds and it is to warm up to a balmy 21 degrees. We thank God daily that we are blessed with a roof over our heads and heat blasting through the vents. Oh I could visit Naples, FL right about now!!

Here are a few shots from our living room as the boys destroyed our home by pulling out every toy they could find on the main level. Shannon and I are bundled up in our warmest of warm clothes while our boys are preparing for the Polar Bear Plunge (a frozen tundra thing you cutting a hole in the ice and jumping in the water in the middle of winter). Our tree is up, we finished the platter of donuts that have been gracing their presence in our kitchen for a number of days and the boys played with their lead free toys. Life is good!

I hope you have a great weekend!

