Friday, November 30, 2007


Tonight I went over to the Shop and spent some time with the boys on the Mosiac skate team. This group is sponsored by Select Millwork, Inc. in Savage. I grabbed some fun shots of the boys landing some sick tricks. As soon as I whipped out my camera the guys trick intensity went way up! They totally wanted to be on film...hilarious! I gotta get to bed...we've got a big day tomorrow....Shaeffer turns 1


Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Couple of the Boys

You asked so I delivered...Many of you continue to ask me to update photos of our family and most importantly of our boys. Here is a photo of each of our little guys. If you are interested in seeing a weekly update of the boys, please check out Shannon's Blog. We hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!


Friday, November 23, 2007

BLACK Friday....

I think I know why they call it black Friday....because when you get up at 2am to go stand in line for 3 hours, it's Black out! Seriously, what is the craze around the day after Thanksgiving. I'm grateful for a deal/savings but to lose sleep over a "good deal?" Why would you go and position yourself half way around a retail store in 18 degrees (MN shoppers), wearing jeans, long sleeve t-shirts, 2 coats, mittens and stocking cap just to try and save some money? THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION!!!!

Why did I do this? Because I've lost my marbles and had no common sense after eating Turkey, squash, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and Blueberry pie the night before. Maybe that's it...These folks (including myself for 2007 Black Friday) have horrendous stomach aches and are unable to why not get up and go shop!
I was standing in line (wish I would have brought my above are from trying to rationalize saving $1100 to purchase a new television for our home. The adrenaline was pumping, my shopping mates were strategizing, families on their cell phones displaced throughout the entire Twin Cities updating the status on their morning (which was nothing but, "Hey, Yeah, I'm freezing here too, No, I've only moved up the line one spot in the last 2 hrs...").
So there I stand outside the Circuit City questioning my studity. I'm not guaranteed anything once the doors open, I mean there is always a limited quantity, right! Well, to make a long story short....I got the tv that we were looking at and saved a lot of bling bling on it. Thanks to our friend Kevin (technology, research guru) we picked out a dandy and scored big.

So, I ask myself....
1. Was the lack of sleep worth it?
2. Will I do this next year and get my family involved?
3. Is this more about "stuff" then the True meaning of life? (Sorry, I had to go's something I've been pondering all day long)

Post your Black Friday experiences...I know I'm not the only one that was out there early in the morning...c'mon you can share your secret with one will know!


I know what I'm NOT...

I know that I'm not a food stylists. However, I had to take a picture of this dessert that my sister made. Hannah is in the process of starting her own business and made this "test" dessert for our Thanksgiving dinner. I know... you're jealous! She is a French Pastry chef (specializing in fine dining) and has worked at a couple 5 Star restaurants in the past couple of years. She currently is living in the Twin Cities and is hoping to get something started in this area. We are lucky that she "practices" her skills on our family.
She makes specialty wedding cakes/birthday cakes & equisite desserts (high end & pictured above). She is available for your service or special occasion (wedding, anniversary, birthday, private/in home gatherings...etc.). Her contact info is...

Hannah Dodds
515.974.9721 (I know, I can't get her to change her area code to a local one but I promise she lives in the Twin Cities)

Safe travels as you return home from your Thanksgiving Holiday.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Are you a Queen, King or just a Full?

Just a fun Thanksgiving question for you? I'm guessing over this holiday season you'll be doing some traveling. I also know that when you stay in a hotel or you visit your family that the first morning you wake up you say, "Man, I sure wish I could have been in my own bed." Why is that? So the Thanksgiving poll is.... Leave your ansewr in a comment....

Do you sleep in a FULL/QUEEN/KING?

How many of you have to downsize when you go and visit family or friends?

I think I'm spoiled because Shannon and I have a KING and man is it hard to go to a Queen or for that matter a FULL. Were not used to bumping each other in the night.....I better go back to bed, I'm tired!!!



Sunday, November 18, 2007

Playing at the Nay-Bours!

Usually once a day we take our dog over to our neighbors (Sutton say nay-bours) huge yard to get some exercise. Now that the boys are older and able to walk they join me for the fun. Yesterday was some pretty nice light in the afternoon so I decided to bring the camera along. Here are a couple that I captured during our play time. We just hung out on Saturday playing, napping and trying to pick up after the boys. I also took Shan's iMac into the Apple store to get some issues that we were having checked out. Good thing because our warranty is up today!! YIKES! Grandma watched the boys last night while Shan and I got to hit the town for a little dinner and then to our friends house for a P-A-R-T-Y. Patrick & Kris have been faithful clients of mine and recently had their last session printed and WOW. They had enlargements of their kids made as well as a photo book. Everything turned out very nice! I don't usually see the final product (print product that is...) so it's fun to see my works on paper. Gotta print some more stuff for the studio (our house)! Have a great Sunday....


Such a Snot!

I mean Shaeffer can be such a snot sometimes!!!! Isn't it great...this is what we've been dealing with for 4 months now. The doctors have no clue why he is so stuffed up, hopefully we'll get an answer today when we talk to another doctor. Just had to post this...hopefully you aren't eating while stalking!


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Snow + Donuts= Good Times

This morning Sutton and I set out to find a donut shop. We found the donut connection in downtown Shako. As we were driving this morning it started to snow pretty heavily. The short snow fall did not amount to much but made for a fun experience for father and son. Sutton had his first donut (pumpkin spiced cake donut) this morning. I was really bummed because they did not have Cherry or Blueberry cake donuts. Those are my favorites.... Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Robert Family


Last week I had the opportunity to take photos for the Robert family. What a blast it was to spend some time with them as they are new parents once again. Congrats!! They are doing exceptionally well given the lack of sleep that goes on when a little one arrives. With 2 boys running around the house in a year or so, life is going to flash before you. Thanks again for the great conversation and wonderful laughs. I look forward to hanging out with you guys again soon! Enjoy your show....



Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Brehm Boys...


It's been several weeks ago now but our friends came up from Chicago to have their boys photos taken. We spent the entire weekend taking photos of their 3 boys. We were all over the place with the camera! The boys mom, Lynn has been a HUGE encouragement as I try and get my business off the ground. Needless to say, she'll probably be critiquing these shots as well!! ha ha!! Hey Lynn, how'd we do?? Thanks again for making the trip up north during this busy fall. Hopefully I can head south for your next family portraits. Enjoy your show!!



Monday, November 12, 2007

The Dust Has Settled...


Well, I'm ALIVE and back online!! YEAH!!! I have had the Waters Family photos in my camera and on my computer for awhile now and have finally had some breathing room to post their show. Thank you guys for your patience. The Waters are good friends of ours and it was awesome to spend an afternoon with them as we watched the Vikings, caught up on "whats goin' on," and ate candy for lunch (nice work James). I thoroughly enjoyed my time as usual with these guys and we captured some treasured moments. Thanks again and enjoy your show!!



Thursday, November 01, 2007

Oh, To My Faithfuls!!

This apology goes out to my friends, hommies, peeps, stalkers, faithful supporters, strong encouragers...etc,

I apologize for the long break in blogging as of late. I am so grateful for your emails, your comments on the blog and your phone voicemails regarding when my next post will be up. I have 2 photoshoots to post very soon but my soon and your soon are 2 different times right now. As most of you know, I work fulltime for a non-profit organization called, Young Life. We are hosting our annual Young Life Banquet on November 5th at the Wilds Golf Club in Prior Lake at 6:30pm. Thus, my delay and pokeyness in posting. I apologize in advance or for those daily (maybe hourly) blog stalkers for any harm that this delay may cause on your mental state of mind. I will update this site as soon as the banquet is over and I get a little chance to breathe.

If you are interested in joining us for the Young Life banquet...You're better late then never!!! So, just call and reserve your spot now. The Young Life phone number is 952.402.9123!!!

Because of my busy schedules, Sutton will be taking all of the Ben Dodds Photography phone calls until I'm free'd up. Please speak slowly and clearly to him. If your phone number has a number in it higher then 3... I probably won't get the message! Have a great day... Trust me, I'll be back soon!!
