Saturday, April 26, 2008

Does Propecia really work??

Inside the head of Ben Dodds on a cold, Saturday afternoon:
Periodically I will go back through old photos from my past and reminisce about the good 'ole days. I have to admit, every once in a great while I wish I had more hair. Why do I waste my time wishing for more hair?? Is it a vanity thing? Am I that caught up in the "fashion trend" scene? Back in the day I actually had hair and in college, I had a lot of hair! Now, I shave my head due to the lack of growth. What is a man to do? I do think it is kind of funny when men my age try to solve/fix their lack of hair growth. Why do men care about their hair? We are talking about guys that wear the same boxers 2 to 3 days in a row, pick there nose while driving in the car, pass gas under the bed sheets (sorry but it had to be said), eat greasy hamburgers 3x a week for lunch...etc. And these guys are actually worried about what they look like up top. These same men will spend $3 dollars a day to take a pill that is suppose to stimulate the hair follicles and help provide minimal hair growth. Isn't it funny! I'm not saying I haven't been one of those guys in the past but I have some many other things to focus my time on. So...I say no to the little pills and yes to the clippers. What do you think?? Do you like the hair??

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Home Safely....

Thanks to each and everyone of you who held our family in your prayers over this past week. We had a wonderful celebration of my Grandma's life. My sister was so cute...she had gone out and bought all of the things that I had mentioned in my previous post that were, "Grandma's Favorites." The funeral service was beautiful, the opportunity to gather with friends/family was wonderful, and the weather was awesome!! Green grass, blue it was nice. I grabbed some photos during the weekend of Natalia and wanted to post them for your enjoyment! She is just a little cutie. Have a wonderful week!!


Sunday, April 13, 2008


This morning was the beginning of a sad, sad day for me and my family. This morning my Grandma Sarah (mom's mom) went home to be with Jesus. Last weekend we were blessed to be able to return to Iowa to visit Grandma before she passed away. While I was taking pictures of Grandma last week (just she and I) she sat in her chair and allowed me to just spend some one on one time with her. There was no communication (verbal) during that time (because Grandma could not see very well or hear) but there was a moment of peace in her little room between she and I. I was able to capture some wonderful pictures of her a week before her death. I have spent all day reminiscing about my time with my wonderful Grandma. Here are just a few memories that I will treasure forever....big hugs, a kiss on the cheek, cheese pretzel combos, Totino's Party Pizza (sausage), pink mints, Whitey's, old fashion drinks, trips to Florida, solitaire card games, politics (you go Grandma) but most importantly, her faith in Jesus. Grandma has been instrumental in my life through her constant faith in our Creator. Thank you Grandma for the wonderful memories...Blessings!


Friday, April 04, 2008

Time with GG Sarah

Yesterday we went and saw GG Sarah at the Masonic Nursing Home. I love every opportunity we get to go and visit with her. Grandma (GG Sarah to our boys) is 98 years old and has lived a wonderful life. She is hearing impaired and challenged with her eye sight but she still loves a visit from her family. I got the opportunity to take a few pictures of GG and share her current living situation with you. The photo of her bed has the pictures of her 3 daughters right near her bedside.

Morning Cartoons....

A little Disney Channel before the day starts never hurt anyone....I love the look on their faces! Happy Friday to ya!
