Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Minnesota Tea Party...

Last weekend I got to spend some time with Miss A. We jumped in the jumper, we jumped on our bed, we read some books but the most fun of all was when we had a Minnesota Tea Party. We had several friends join us around the table for this special time. She was so cute as she poured tea for herself and for her friends. Thanks again for letting me come hang out with you guys for a morning. Don't you just love Miss A's eyes? Have a great day!



Friday, February 20, 2009

"Proud Parent of a World Vision Sponsor"

This afternoon I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying lunch. My boys were running around as they usually do before they prepare to take their afternoon naps. As I was thinking about the day and somewhat staring off into space my eyes were drawn to our fridge. My wife, Shannon, has done a very creative job of decorating our fridge. Being that she's a teacher she uses her creativity to cover the icebox with a monthly calendar, notes the boys receive from school and colorful letters that help remind our boys how to spell their names. I often think I might need my own letters for my name but she refuses.

As I was staring at our fridge observing the monthly calendar, my eye was drawn to something more important then anything else on the fridge. I was reminded that before Valentine's Day Nona & Papa (my parents) had sent the boys their very own $5 bill. Inside the card that held this large sum of cash was a little poem that eluded to what they could possibly spend their money on. They ran around with their bling for about 30 minutes when all of the sudden Shannon invited them to join her at the table. Shannon took the boys $5 bills and handed them each 5, $1's instead. My face was confused as to what she was doing but I soon learned of her awesomeness.....

Shannon explained to our boys the importance of sharing, of giving, of tithing to those in need. She showed the boys a picture of a little boy in Africa that our boys picked out to sponsor. His name is Michel and he is growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She continued to explain that Michel had very little and that you (our boys) have been very blessed. She finished by explaining that she would like to see each of the boys donate $1 out of their $5 to Michel. They were so excited to be able to help make a difference in Michel's life. The dollar bills serve as a reminder to our 2 & 3 year olds that it is better to give then receive. What difference can you make in somebody's life today? Thanks to Shannon teaching our boys, I've been challenged to rethink how I can help change a life.



Thursday, February 19, 2009

YELLOWstone & BIG sky....

This past weekend I set a new record. A record that unfortunately requires the Guinness Book of World Records to be present (which did not happen) but a NEW record non the less. What was the record you ask. Let's play a little game to see if you are creative enough to take a stab at my amazing feat that definitely requires a little recognition, if I do say so myself. Let the games begin.....I'll give you three clues and I want you to leave your answer to what you might think my amazing accomplishment was.....To leave a guess, leave me a comment on this post in the "comment" section below. Here we go....

mini donuts
"I'm sick and tired of living in a van down by the river!"- Chris Farley
189 kilometer/hour

You might have to combine words/concepts/ideas as your work through your 8th grade problem solving skills....I can't wait to hear your ideas.....I'll let you know the answer very soon!

In other news, I spent this past weekend in Big Sky, Montana. This was a guys trip with 3 of my friends and man did we have fun! Many great memories were shared over the weekend and I was reminded of how blessed I am to be surrounded by such great men. As one might think...."oh, he went to Big Sky?" I'm sure that Ben is going to post some pictures of the mountains here on his blog....WRONG! Actually, I didn't even take a single picture of the mountains. I know, it sounds crazy!! I also straddled the boundaries of Yellowstone National Forest yet still didn't take any photos of the amazing country side. This might be a call to be hospitalized or I should quite possibly receive a fine from the Photography Police. All's I can do is apologize. I spent a short time in West Yellowstone, Montana one afternoon and did take photos of the old Motel signs around the town. Again, my apologies for not recording my adventures better but I do think these signs were really cool...what do you think???
I'm glad to be home with my family again and missed my wife and boys. I look forward to the day that we can load up the family vehicle ( I so wish we had a wood panel station wagon) and set off for Mrs. Old Faithful herself. I want my boys to see the true beauty of that area. Have a great night!!



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ben Dodds Photography is LIVE....


I'm filled with excitement! This is truly a dream come true over the past 2 years. I have been blessed in SO many ways; family, friends, photographers that are friends, clients, creativity from Above...I feel like I'm on a ride a Disney World right now. I'm honored that you all continue to follow the exciting changes around Ben Dodds Photography. Thank you for all of your encouraging words, supporting emails, wonderful Facebook messages (hit me up on Facebook by the way if we aren't friends yet)...etc. I can't wait to look back over this year and see how many fun moments will be captured through the lens of my camera. Thank you again!!!



Sunday, February 08, 2009

Ben Dodds Photography Launch Coming Soon!

coming soon......
Ben Dodds Photography has a new look available at an internet hub near you...
I am super excited to announce that after a lot of work and much anticipation that I will be launching the new Ben Dodds Photography website early this week. Stay tuned!
We've been working on developing a new brand for BDP and wanted to share with you the new look today. Much thanks to Lori Schmidt for her hard work and creative spirit.
The BDP blog will continue as is but will be under construction over the next month or so as well. A new look will arriving soon as well for the day to day followings of Ben Dodds Photography.

Have a great weekend and check out Ben Dodds Photography (www.bendodds.com) early this week.



Cancun '09

Many apologies for not posting any photos from our family vacay to Cancun this past January. Upon my return, I was very busy developing/creating the BIG SURPRISE being unveiled early this week. I'm just now getting a chance to look at the many photos I took on our trip of Shan and the boys. We had an awesome time in Mexico and our resort was top notch. The boys still continue to chant Mexico, Mexico, Mexico....almost as if the US was being invaded and the Mexican military was coming to help my two boys cross the border illegally or something. I mean they're pretty serious about us going back there very soon. If you were a fly on the wall in our home this would be a conversation you'd be bound to hear....

Ben/Shan: "Ok boys, get your coats and shoes on..."
Boys: "Where we going mommy Shannon, where we going daddy Ben?"
Ben/Shan: "just get your coats and shoes on and head downstairs to the car"
Boys: " Are we going to Mexico daddy Ben?"
Ben/Shan: "Mexico would be nice wouldn't it..."
Boys: "I want to go to Mexio"
Ben/Shan: "well sorry to disappoint, but we are going to the grocery store"
Shaeffer: "not go to grocery store mommy Shannon...go Mexico"

We hope that this cold weather will fade away very soon yet may our Mexican family vacation stay in our hearts forever! What a great trip!!!

Have a great weekend!

